This Is Very Quickly Devolving Into A Music Blog
It's okay if it's about music with Jesus in it, right? Dean Brody writes in his song Black Sheep , "I was raised in a small town underneath a steeple/Raised with the good book in my hand//Though I loved the Shepherd/I didn't mix well with his people/So one day I jumped the fence to find new lands". As I drove down the highway this morning with my car tuned in to a local country station, I heard this song playing, and the words caught my attention. As I turned it up and listened, I was struck with a thought: this song is... startlingly scripturally accurate? In fact, Mr. Brody has done something atypical for a secular musician (though, as I like to joke, country really is God's secular music) - he's managed to provide a fairly accurate depiction of God in his music. He sings: "Sometimes late at night I get thinking about my Shepherd/How it broke His big old heart to see me stray//But if I know the hound of Heaven/He's left the flock to f...